
5 Fandom Friday: Characters I Would Invite To My Thanksgiving Feast

Friday, November 21, 2014

This week came & went in a flash!  It was my birthday week, which wasn't that exciting lol.  I worked on my birthday && had a very busy week.  No birthday festivities here... I guess that's what happens when you get older? Ahaha.

This week's 5 Fandom Friday we're bringing our favorite Characters to Thanksgiving dinner!  Which is a hilarious thought, if you really imagine all these different "people" in a room together.

||1} Empire Records Gang: I'm going to cheat a little here... I couldn't pick just one.  So I'm inviting the entire gang over for turkey dinner!  These people have great taste in music, and know how to have a good time.  They'd be a blast to have over!  I could legit end my list here.

||2} The 11th Doctor: I have a soft spot for the 9th Doctor, and the 10th Doctor tends to get all the love... but I really enjoy the 11th Doctor.  He's kind of douchy yet endearing && incredibly neurotic all at the same time.  He could bring Amy along too if he wanted!

||3} Sirius Black: Yeah... if you know anything about me, you'd know he'd be here.  I can't quite explain it, but he's my favorite Harry Potter character.  I love him.  [honorable mention: Snape & Dobby]  Okay guys only 5 is a hard choice.

||4} Ludo: ...because gentle giant beasts need love && lots of food!  He has always been my favorite Labyrinth character <333

||5} The Dude: You can't have a party without the dude.  Who doesn't want to hang out with the dude!?  Every get together needs to have that one zen guest.

Can you tell I like to have a good time at my "holiday" dinners? Aha!  I think this group would be top notch!  The Doctor might have a hard time letting loose, but I think if the dude gave him a drink we could get that party started!

November 21st:  Characters I Would Invite To My Thanksgiving Feast
November 28th:  Black Friday Purchases I Would Sacrifice A Night Of Sleep For
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  1. Nice list! It's funny seeing different Doctors popping up!

    1. Yeah there's a lot of different doctors floating around today! <333

  2. Happy Birthday! This is a fun list - white Russians and great music sounds like a perfect evening!

    1. I agree! Can't go wrong! Thank you for the birthday wishes! xo

  3. Ah, The Dude, yes!! Great pick. And a great list! So many Doctors on different list (my own included!). Who WOULDN'T want him to come - so many amazing stories!

    1. Ahhah yes <3 if we could get him to sit still in one place long enough to tell us his stories!

  4. I LOVE this list!!!!!!! And Doctor 9.

  5. I love your list! Ludo and Empire Records! Amazing. 'Damn the man!' Just don't let Rex Manning come.

    And the 9th Doctor has my heart for sure!

    1. No way. Rex Manning has to stay home and whine about how irrelevant he is! =)


    1. Ahah Sirius sure is getting a lot of love in my comments! As it should be.

  7. Happity birthday. Ludo friend! This is a great list. It's Rex Manning Day.

  8. Great list, I always had a soft spot for the 11th Doctor too.


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