
adorn your android [October 2013]

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I've mentioned before how I love to see other peoples phone layouts. So I think I'm going to start a monthly series on my layout. I change it up about everyyy month, so why not share it?  My username on cocoPPa is emileeblogs.

grocery store price list [menu planning]


I wanted to share with you my grocery store price list book.  I do 98% of my grocery shopping at Aldi.  They have the best prices in myyy town.  I don't coupon except for personal product items && cleaning items, so Aldi is the best choice for me.  

I created a price book by saving receipts and entering them into my book.  I separated it into categories, and list items in it accordingly.  This helps me stay on my grocery budget when menu planning && I always know how much I will be spending at the store.  

I used a little notebook that I purchased in a 3 pack from Wal-Mart.  I placed washi tape on the front && using a Sharpie I wrote "Aldi Price Book 2013".  Then I used self adhesive tabs on the pages to create categories.


On the pages I just list the item and price.  Depending on the item or category I will also include size and/or weight.  


My categories are:
  • meat
  • dairy
  • canned
  • produce
  • dry goods
  • bread
  • frozen
  • snacks
  • seasoning/sauces
  • condiments
  • misc. [because I also purchase my paper towels && ziplocs at Aldi]
And there ya have it!  An easy reference price book for grocery shopping.  I keep it tucked in the back of my FiloFax so that I always have it on me.  This way if I happen to be at a different store && see something on sale, I can quickly see if it's cheaper for me than at Aldi.  <333

project 20 pan [update 2]

project 20 pan

It's been awhile since I updated my project 20 pan.  This is where I'm at...  I've been able to cross out 10 items!  I'm going to be honest and say that I've purchased things since declaring project 20 pan, however they were only necessary purchases.  Only to replace things I've used up.  I've done really well at keeping my splurge spending at bay!  [Something I'm very proud of!]  I was terribly sad to see the last squirt from my Urban Decay De-Slick.  I loved this stuff.  With summer being over, and me no longer working during the day I have decided to not repurchase it just yet.  I don't have a need for it at the moment.  My Naked Palette never should have been included on this project!  Ack!  This eyeshadow lasts forever!  I'm never going to fully run out of it!  Same goes with my mark blush quad at the bottom.  The ONLY reason I included the mark blush quad, was to remind myself I have a large abundance of blush and do NOT need to purchase more.  I've done pretty well at using up the product that I really wanted to get rid of.  Maybe I'll start another project 20 pan, and make it more realistic by removing the Naked Palette and my mark blush quad.  

I challenge you all to do the same until the new year!  Pick 10-20 items that you need to use up before purchasing anything else.  Link your post below, or just tell me about it in a comment. 

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