
Digital Planning | Plan With Me Video

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

This week in my digital planning YouTube series, I did a traditional plan with me set to music. I chose music over a voice over because I felt talking about what I was doing over and over would be very redundant. I do have lots of plans for future tutorials and digital planner purchase reviews along with my weekly plan with me's. 

Friday Favorites

Friday, April 13, 2018

Happy Friday! The weather this week has been crazy. We started with snow on Sunday and ended up with temps in the 80's yesterday. Today we have severe weather threats. Hello Spring in Kansas! Now here's a few of my favorite things this week:

Digital Planning | FIRST LOOK VIDEO

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

I've been dabbling in digital planning for awhile now. I received several requests to do a YouTube video on how I do it. I primarily (98%) use Paper & Glam digital stickers in my digital planner, so I showed how I use those. However, the instruction works for any digital stickers you may have.

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