
tech wallpapers [JUNE 2016]

Saturday, May 28, 2016

A year and a half ago I created Kate Spade inspired phone wallpapers.  They were very popular and if you look in my sidebar, it's one of my most popular posts.  I have had requests upon requests for me to create more wallpapers.  I heard you!  I'm going to release FREE tech wallpapers monthly!

Since we're all about planners and productivity here, my wallpapers will have a calendar on them to coincide with the month.

For June I thought a bright summery watercolor pattern would be perfect!

computer desktop wallpaper

iPad wallpaper

iPhone wallpaper

You want to make sure you're viewing each image in full resolution prior to saving to your device.  Each browser is different, if you have issues just let me know in the comments below and I'll assist you!

I hope you enjoy the first release of monthly wallpapers!

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what I'm reading [MAY 2016]

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Back in February I told you about a book series I've been really enjoying.  It's called Calendar Girl by Audrey Carlan and it's very much out of my normal genre preference.  However, I'm LOVING this series!  There's 12 books, one for each month of the year.  I'm currently on October.  These books are very short easy reads.  Perfect for summer!  My preferred way of reading is on my iPad with the free Kindle app.  Due to my POHS my eyes have a hard time reading on white backgrounds.  With POHS I have several blind spots in my vision from scarring, and they're distracting on white backgrounds.  I also need a larger font because of my vision impairment from the POHS.  I love reading on the Kindle app for iPad because I can adjust the font size along with making the book "pages" black with white text instead of white with black text.  This setup has allowed me to comfortably read with my vision issues. 
[If you are unfamiliar with POHS, click on the label in the sidebar titled "POHS" for posts I've written about it.]

I am very busy.  We're all very busy, right?  I don't get to read for pleasure as much as I'd like.  For 2016 I made it my goal to read at least 25 books.  This would put me around 2 books a month.  That may not seem like a lot to some of you, but for me that's a serious goal.  I'm so grateful I found this series because it's been so much fun to read and I'm currently ahead in my reading schedule!

Mia Saunders needs money. A lot of money. She has one year to pay off the loan shark who has threatened her father’s life and is coming after his unpaid gambling debts. One million dollars to be exact. 
Her mission is simple―serve as a high-priced escort for her aunt’s Los Angeles-based company and pay monthly against the debt. Spend a month with a rich man whom she doesn’t have to sleep with if she doesn’t want to? Easy money. 
Unlucky in love with a spirit that never gives up, this curvy motorcycle-riding vixen plans to get in, make her money, and get out. Part of that goal is keeping her heart locked up tight and her eye on the prize. 
At least that’s the way it’s supposed to go…
-description from Amazon

Like I said before, this isn't the type of book I usually go for.  I'm not really into romance novels.  This series has been funny, suspenseful, charming, heartwarming, and incredibly entertaining.  I highly recommend it!


Read using the FREE Kindle Reading App on Most Devices
Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks
Purchase in Paperback

Want to read along with me?  Find me on GoodReads and lets be friends!

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perks of planner stamping || SWEET STAMP SHOP FEATURE

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Today I was featured on the Sweet Stamp Shop blog sharing how I use their stamps in my planner.  If you've been with me for awhile, you know that 95% of the stamps I use are from Sweet Stamp Shop.  I'm honored to have written a post for them to share with their readers & customers.  Be sure to go visit their website and show them some love.  Below is the post I wrote for them!

Stamping is budget friendly.  I knew that this hobby could quickly consume me and my bank account.  I thought about the best ways to cut corners and save money while fully enjoying planner decorating.  For me stamping just made financial sense.  Sure there’s a little more up front cost, but then that’s it.  You’ve purchased your stamps, you purchase some ink, and now you can limitlessly create hundreds of planner spreads.  If you choose stickers, those are consumable.  You use them once and they’re gone.  This is why I initially chose stamping.  I purchase stamps then they are mine.  For forever.  I have a plethora of color options to change things up each week just by choosing a different ink.  That’s not to say that stamp buy doesn’t get addictive, because it can!  I look at it as more of an investment in the hobby.  It’s a tool much like your favorite precision scissors or laminator. 

Stamping looks clean!  If you were to ask me the main reason I choose to stamp instead of using stickers, it’d be the aesthetics.  This is my personal preference.  I see full stickered pages in planners and I think they’re beautiful.  However, when I try to do the same I always hate it.  It’s too much for my brain to process when trying to focus on tasks.  I am jealous of people that can use full stickered pages with no white showing, but I just can’t do it.  I absolutely LOVE the clean minimalistic appearance of a stamped layout in my planner. 

I know one of the main draw backs to stamping is the time involved.  With stickers you can just toss them on and you’re good to go.  It’s not quite the same with stamping.  There’s cleaning involved and inking and changing out stamps.  It’s a process that takes a little longer.  This isn’t a con to me, it’s a pro!  I love sitting down with a fresh cup of coffee, lighting my favorite candle, and taking this “me time” for myself.  It’s a fun and relaxing creative outlet which I truly believe is the way most planner girls approach decorating in their planner.  So why rush it?  As a mom, a blogger, Etsy shop owner, and entrepreneur, I understand life gets busy.  I do.  Some weeks I don’t have time to fully decorate my planner and that’s okay!  One of my favorite time saving tips is to purchase Avery repositionable labels and stamp on them ahead of time.  This makes it easy for weeks that I don’t have time to spend on my planner, but I still want it to be pretty.

I currently use 2 planners.  I have my spiral bound Limelife planner, and I have an A5 Filofax with Limelife planner inserts.  I use my spiral bound for family, household, and personal things.  I use my Filofax for business.  I even use my stamps on my monthly pages.  I primarily use my monthly pages in my spiral bound for financial planning.  I also use it to notate when the cats need flea medication, when I need to change the air filters at home, and other monthly and seasonal tasks.  I love the Plan Home stamp set for this.  I use the credit cards to notate when bills are due.  I prefer using one icon for all bills so I can glance and know a bill is due.  I DID use the dollar sign stamp from the set for notating pay days, but I dropped it and lost it.  So I’m currently using the dollar bills stamp from the Plan to Eat stamp set.

I’ve been tracking my water intake in my planner for a few years now.  I use the water tracking stamp from the Plan to Eat set.  2016 is the first year I’ve used 2 different planners simultaneously.  In the past I’ve crammed my personal, family, household, Etsy, blog, and YouTube all into one planner.  Towards the end of 2015 things started to get really crammed.  Now that I’ve made the decision to have two planners and separate business from home, I am able to track more things than I had room for before.  This includes our meals.  I do this because we are REALLY bad about ordering take out.  I want to be able to flip through and see how often we ate at home vs. ordering out.  Since this is a bad habit we’re trying to break, I am tracking this with the plate & utensil stamp from the Plan to Eat set.

This is basically what a full week looks like in my household planner before I start writing in it.  In the sidebar I have my habit tracking: Workouts, vitamins, reading, morning, and night routines.  Usually I reserve the top box for lists of random to-do’s that come up through the week after I’ve already stamped.  For example, I’m currently planning a big Graduation Party for my son so I may find out through the week that I need to touch base with the caterer.  So I’d write that in a top box where I’ve used a stamp from the Check It Twice set.  I track our meals in the middle box section.  Then the bottom is kind of a mix of what workout I’m doing [I had been sick so it was a light week with yoga across the board], my cleaning and laundry that needs done, and any other specific household tasks.

This is how and why I love stamping in my planner.  If you don’t stamp in your planner, I highly recommend you start!  I bet you’ll just love it!  If you already stamp in my planner, I know you were nodding in agreement with everything I said, haha!  So which are you?  A seasoned planner stamper or a novice?  Let us know in the comment section below, I’d love to know!

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