This month I've absolutely been relying on hip hop & rap to keep me moving. April is kind of a bad month for me, and I tend to be in a funk. My mother got sick in April of 2000 and passed away 4/22/00. Not to go into too much here but my Aunt & Uncle were in a car wreck coming home from my mother's funeral and my Aunt was killed. Every April since then, someone has died or something tragic has happened. Including this year. My 21yo cousin was diagnosed with cancer and has been in the hospital very sick. We're all kind of on pins & needles each April...
My motivation tends to be non-existent in April, so I turned to hip hop & rap. It helps a lot to boost my energy and get me in the "groove" to get my sh*t done. You can listen to the playlist with Google Play Music by clicking on the link below.
||1} Kendrick Lamar: Alright
||2} Kanye West: All Day
||3} A$AP Rocky: M'$
||4} Kevin Gates: #IDGT
||5} Empire OST: No Apologies
||6} Empire OST: Keep Your Money
||7} Empire OST: Walk Out On Me
||8} Empire OST: Power of the Empire
||9} Empire OST: Keep It Movin'
||10} Rick Ross: Hustlin'
I have still been loving the Soundtrack to Empire as you can see. Great show && great music. Love it. Also music related: I purchased tickets to see Smashing Pumpkins in June do an acoustic show! This 90s girl is super stoked!
What were your favorite go-to songs this month?