
I'm now a Wichitan

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Hi! Hello! Do you even remember who I am at this point? Ahah! Well let me tell you... I've been a busy bee and we've uprooted our lives and moved across the state! I am now a Wichitan. J graduated college and got a job in Wichita, so here we are. She was offered the job in February and we kind of sought other opportunities first, because I'll be honest, I wasn't super excited about moving. Super long story short and a lot of discussions later, we decided to take the opportunity. It was the best opportunity and once I got on board and got over the dread of moving, I was actually excited. I love a bigger city and Wichita is the largest city in Kansas, so that works out nicely.

I did have some emotional hiccups to work through. I'm not huge on "change" and this was big "change". We spent the summer enjoying time with friends & family before we moved. Then before we knew it, it was getting time to move. That was not fun. I purged so much stuff, you have no idea. We went from a 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom loft apartment to a 2 bedroom, 1 bath house. I purged so much "crap" that I'm pretty sure I'm never buying anything again. That minimalist lifestyle is looking pretty damn good!

The most exciting part of all of this is... I GOT TO QUIT MY JOB! I hated that job with every fiber of my being. It was toxic. J's new job allows me to stay home and work on my own ventures and take care of the house. I can now devote proper work hours to my Etsy shop and my blog, which is the dream. On my last day though, they got us cake and gifts which was really nice and very unexpected. I'll miss some people, but not the job. At all.

We brought everything to our new house in Wichita in the Uhaul 2 days before we were staying for good. On the actual moving day, leaving our current life behind, we loaded up our cars with the remaining items that needed to go and the animals. I took Callie (dog) and J took Igloo & Quorra (the cats). We got about 45 minutes into the drive when J's tire blew on the car. Luckily we were close to a Walmart and were able to get it right in and fixed up. We transferred the cats to my car (in their crates of course) and I went ahead to Wichita. Mind you, we moved during Mercury Retroshade... so we were asking for some sort of car trouble.

On our third day in Wichita we went to a concert. I had purchased the tickets prior to moving because I knew we'd be up here already and I really wanted to go to this concert. It was the ALT-IMATE Tour. Bush & Live celebrating the 25th Anniversary of their albums "Sixteen Stone" (Bush) and "Throwing Copper" (Live). Our Lady Peace opened up for them as well. Bush & Live were in my top 5 favorite bands in the 90s, so I was incredibly excited to go to this concert. It turned out to be more than I expected, because Gavin Rossdale came into the crowd to finish a song and walked within touching distance of us! I literally could have reached out and touched him... but I didn't because I'm not creepy. Though plenty of people WERE touching him. (Sorry for the grainy photo, it was all happening so fast ahah!)

I love coffee. I know a lot of people say that, but I can't think of anything I love more (that isn't a mammal) than coffee. I typically just have my coffee black as well. I buy coffee beans for home consumption from local roasters, and I'm always on the hunt for the perfect coffee shop. In Pittsburg (where we moved from) we had the most amazing roaster & coffee shop called "Signet". I always always purchased my coffee beans from them. They have amazing beans and they know how to make great coffee. As someone who loves black coffee, that's my test at coffee shops usually. I'll try their plain black coffee. If they can't make that taste good, I don't want it. My favorite iced drink is just a plain cold brew. On day 6, we decided to take a break from the final unpacking and arranging and go to a close coffee shop. We went to Reverie. J had a caramel latte, and I had a plain cold brew. It was pretty good. If I'm being honest though, Signet's cold brew was better. I also believe J would say she preferred Signet as well because Reverie didn't have hazelnut syrup and hazelnut lattes are her jam. We'll definitely go back to Reverie mainly because I just used up the last of my Signet coffee beans at home, and Reverie is also a roaster. I'll try their beans and give it a go before ordering online from Signet. 

Another place we stopped for coffee is The Donut Whole. They have out of this world delicious donuts. I got orange cream and J got a thin mint. They have hazelnut syrup so she had a hazelnut latte, and I had an iced coffee with vanilla syrup and cream. I ordered this because I've had their drip coffee before when we've visited family in town over the years, and their drip coffee is not good. I'll be doing more in depth features on these businesses later on, right now I'm just talking about our first few weeks in Wichita.

Our 10th day was a Saturday. It was the first weekend we were able to relax and go do some fun things. J and I have worked weekends for 10 years, so now that we don't, we're taking full advantage of it! J's brother joined us this day (her whole family lives here). We went to Kansas Grown Inc. Farmer's Market. It's the largest grower owned Farmer's Market in the state. It was amazing! (I'll feature more individually my purchases from there soon) After the Farmer's Market we went to visit J's grandma for a few hours. It was a great time and wonderful chat. Then we went to 2nd Saturday. 2nd Saturday is an Artisan Market with food trucks, local art for sale, and live music. We shopped and browsed, and just overall had a great time. I was getting hungry by this point and was craving Banh Mi. So we had lunch at Little Saigon. I had Bahn Mi, and J had soup (I don't remember what she ordered exactly). The food was great and hit the spot.

That's a brief version of our first two weeks in Wichita. I'll have so much more to tell you about those two weeks and our upcoming adventures. If you'd like to keep up to date, I created an Instagram account solely dedicated to our life in Wichita. You can follow it here. It's brand new, just created last night, so there's not much but there definitely will be. 

Thanks so much for sticking around over these years and I'm super excited to share more with you now that I live in a metro area!

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