
adorn your android: with free wallpaper

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

This month's Adorn Your Android is extra special to me because it features wallpaper that I made for you guys!  My wallpaper is inspired by Kate Spade designs.  I'm really obsessing over black/white/gold together and I wanted to bring that to my phone...

As always I used cocoPPa to find my icons for the month.  You can find me on there under the screen name: emileeblogs.  If you're interested in my Kate Spade inspired wallpapers you can find them in the post I did recently featuring them.  You can download them right from that blog post.

Disclaimer:  I feel like I need to mention this since there's been some confusion.  I call this monthly feature "Adorn Your Android" because I use an Android phone.  I currently have a Galaxy Note 3 [which I will be upgrading to the Note 4 very soon].  Everything I do/use in these posts are also available for iPhone.  In fact, cocoPPa was released for iPhone first.  So if you're in iPhone user, no worries!  You can still take advantage of everything I blog about!
 photo http---signaturesmylivesignaturecom-54492-222-8414E474F531BA8FE9016BBE25E32639_zps8349804b.png

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