
kate spade inspired phone wallpapers

Monday, January 26, 2015

I was playing around in photoshop the other day and decided I wanted to make my own Wallpapers for my phone.  Since my ENTIRE desk is setup with Kate Spade office accessories [from Urban Girl Office Supply], I was inspired by her style.

I know that many of us in the planner community are incredibly obsessed with the style of Kate Spade accessories.  How can you not be?  All the gold, black, and white.  Cute "spades" and ampersands... Speaking of ampersands, they are really popular right now.  It's kind of amusing how popular the ampersand has become.  You see ampersands all over the place!

Anyway, I decided to share what I created with you!  They're free to download.  Just right click, and download the picture.  If you're doing it from a cell phone [I can only speak for Android users] press and hold on the picture.  That should bring up the option to save the image.

There's 2 different styles here.  One has the image in a glitter style, and the other is a shiny gold.  I'm personally fond of the shiny gold ones, but I know people would rather have the glitter bling!

Thanks for checking them out && enjoy!!!

 photo http---signaturesmylivesignaturecom-54492-222-8414E474F531BA8FE9016BBE25E32639_zps8349804b.png

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