
weekly update [pohs]

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

presumed ocular histoplasmosis

Well it's been 2 weeks since my Avastin injection.  I've noticed a lot of improvement in my vision.  Today at work I was able to disable Windows Magnifier.  Yay! 

I've been doing A LOT of research on POHS.  I keep reading that stress is a major factor in bleeding onset.  I know that this is controversial amongst doctors, but the patients can vouch for this.  I got to thinking... I went a year with my right eye and nothing in my left.  Then as soon as I started a second job, my left started bleeding.  I can see that the added work/stress very well could have been a factor. 

Since then I've been working REALLY HARD at keeping stress out of my life.  With 2 jobs and a family, some times this is a hard task.  I'm going to do a series soon on living stress free & relaxation.  I think this is beneficial to anyone, but especially beneficial t POHS sufferers. 

Other posts about my POHS:

Initial Diagnosis

2 days after Avastin #1

1 week after Avastin #1

2 weeks after Avastin #1

Dealing with POHS

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