
Digital Planning | FIRST LOOK VIDEO

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

I've been dabbling in digital planning for awhile now. I received several requests to do a YouTube video on how I do it. I primarily (98%) use Paper & Glam digital stickers in my digital planner, so I showed how I use those. However, the instruction works for any digital stickers you may have.

I love a paper planner, but I'm really enjoying the versatility of digital planning. My schedule changes a lot day to day and digital planning is very beneficial. Instead of marking stuff out and wasting stickers, I can just delete/erase and redo. I think that digital planning might be my preferred planning method for awhile.

I had wonderful feedback from people, so I will be doing videos on digital planning quite regularly. I hope that you enjoy it and it helps you with any digital planning questions you may have.


Apple Pencil: Apple Pencil case: iPad Pro 10.5": Paper & Glam stickers: GoodNotes4: Digital Planner:

Have you tried digital planning? What has been your experience with it? 

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