
week 40 [planner love]

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

As promised here's the moleskine turntable used in horizontal mode.  I didn't like it at first, but it really grew on me.  I really liked that I didn't feel like I had to squish my words up to fit the smaller vertical columns.  I've continued using it horizontally this week too, so we'll see how it goes.

I've also got some stamps on order to start using in my moleskine.  I'm trying not to go back to crazy decorating, but I really like the stamps I'm ordering.  I think they'd make things a little easier for lists && make it more uniform on the page.  I can't wait for them to get here!

Here's the full spread.  You can see I used different colored pens this week too.  Mostly because Jess keeps stealing my black frixion pens, so I'd grab whichever Frixion was handy.

 photo http---signaturesmylivesignaturecom-54492-222-8414E474F531BA8FE9016BBE25E32639_zps8349804b.png


  1. I love your handwriting and the "Nothing will work unless you do" quote!


    1. Awww <333 thank you! I hate my handwriting... lol

  2. I love this, I'm way too messy to do something like this and my hand writing is horrible. There are some really cool ways that people decorate their journals and filofaxes on pinterest, makes me wish I could do something similar!

    Corinne x

    1. Yeah I used to get all caught up in that myself. I had to take a step back because it was taking up too much of my time. I miss it some days though...


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