
.goodreads book club update

Friday, November 22, 2013

From the start of the Emilee Speaks book club on GoodReads, we've been reading the entire Harry Potter series.  It's been more of a "read along at your own pace" type of thing.  Now that we've finished, [if you haven't read the series before please do so NOW!] I'm going to have a more structured book club.  Monthly book choices instead of a free flow.  If you'd like to jump in and join us for December, hop on over HERE and join myyy group!  I'll announce the December book of the month at the end of November [if you'd like to make suggestions for a book, leave a comment below].  Can't wait to read with you!!! <333

xo Emilee


  1. How about Divergent?

    1. That is a book I have been meaning to read! That's a good idea. Especially with the movie coming out next year.

  2. You’re the sweetest! Thank you for everything you do!


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